As a genuine and reliable volunteer program in India since 2004, like any other organization we too have daily expenditures in placing and accommodating the volunteers in our programs in India. The fee is used for the placement, administration and upkeep of the projects in India. We have tried to show in the graph below, where the money is used by Volunteering India.
Apart from regular donation to project from the volunteer’s program fee, Volunteering India also works to provide regular maintenance to its projects in India. This includes timely visits to projects to access their need and provide assistance where needed. This also includes things like, painting of schools, donation of books, clothes and computer equipment. We also undertake work to build local schools, playgrounds like – volleyball court etc in certain schools and projects we work with.
ADMINISTRATION COSTS INCLUDEThese are the costs without which running this program would not be possible for our volunteers. These include daily office expenses, travel, maintenance etc. as below: -