Volunteering India Blog

Why Should You Opt For Medical Internship In India In 2024?

Being a Southeast Asian developing nation, healthcare in India offers myriad opportunities for medical interns and students to explore and understand how the healthcare system works in the country – what can be done better and what to learn from it.

Volunteering India, thus, facilitates this meaningful and educative medical internship opportunity for international students in India. Ideal for pre-med, nursing, and medical students, the Medical Internship Project is in New Delhi, the capital city of India.

This article will help you to find out why you should opt for a medical internship in India for the right exposure, work experience, and opportunity to help underprivileged people while adding some brownie points to your CV.

Medical Internship in New Delhi, India

As an intern for this program, you’ll work in a hospital in New Delhi, providing ample opportunity to grasp the urban healthcare scene. You’ll be paired with doctors, nurses, or other healthcare workers during your stay. Your role involves shadowing these professionals and assisting with daily tasks.

Tasks will be assigned based on your educational background, level of knowledge, and ability to care for patients. Typically, interns engage in the following activities:

Daily, interns will have to do the following:

The different areas where interns can apply are as follows:

IPD Ward
Blood Bank
Dialysis Unit
Critical Care
General Wards
Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Reasons to join the Medical Internship In India In 2024

1) International work exposure

You’ll gain valuable international work experience in the medical field, which is often hard to come by for new professionals and students. Opting for this project will benefit you and others in the long term.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn from a diverse group of medical professionals, encountering a wide range of medical conditions and treatment methods that may not be common in your home country. Additionally, working alongside professionals will help boost your confidence and provide firsthand exposure to the work.


2) Chance to gain an insight into Indian culture

Being in India allows interns to immerse themselves in the rich culture and traditions of the country, enhancing their understanding of global healthcare perspectives.

The population in India is the main reason why many people still don’t get adequate healthcare facilities, and as an intern, you’ll get to learn how to function in a system that has scarce resources.


3) Widen your social network

This is your chance to network with healthcare professionals and peers from around the world, fostering collaboration and the exchange of knowledge and ideas in the global healthcare community.


4) Certificate of Completion and Academic Credit

After completing the program, you’ll receive a certificate. If you’ve actively participated in tasks for an extended period, you can ask for a report. This report details your tasks and hours worked, which could be useful for earning academic credit at your university.


Medical Internship Program requirements:

To join the medical internship in India, you need to be at least 18 years old. It’s important to be open-minded and flexible because you’ll be working in a new place. Medical interns need to show a clean record on their background check, and they’ll need to provide some documents like their CV, passport copy, and other qualifications. Students studying pre-med, medicine, nursing, or nursing assistants (CNAs) can join. It’s also important to dress professionally when you’re at the hospital.

Volunteering India has hosted medical and dental interns from several different countries and universities including the University of Otago, New Zealand, and the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. Furthermore, we’ve hosted several other individuals/team volunteers and interns from the US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and many countries in Europe as well.


Here’s what Leah Dancy (Medical Intern, India) had to say about her experience:


“I have thoroughly enjoyed the placement the staff at the clinic was very welcoming and excited to work with me. All the physicians that I worked with were genuinely excited to have me and eager to share their experiences in the medical field in India. The patients were also open to my presence in the clinic.”


If you are also keen to join the Medical Internship Program in India, then write to us at info@volunteeringindia.com and we shall get back to you within 48 hours.

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