Volunteering India Blog

A Letter From The Volunteers Sharing Their Experience In India

A good effort by one has the power to influence a million! To put it in simpler words, when we engage ourselves in serving others, not only do we help them directly, but we also inspire a lot of other people to come forward and work for a similar cause. It is not always about how much work can be done, but how much difference we can make with our small efforts. Traveling to a destination that’s thousand miles away from home and making someone smile is indeed a great thing to do.

Recently, the students from Wolfert Dalton School, the Netherlands, came to India and joined the Street Children Program, where they had to visit two schools and work there. They knew that they would face challenges because of the language barrier – but soon they realized that love doesn’t need a language. Wolfert Dalton School aims to make the students fearless and independent in life, and for that, they have been sending their students to India for the last 6 years.

They taught basic English and Maths lessons to the little ones and painted the schools to make the environment more vibrant and friendly. The students were guided and supervised by two of their teachers – Robert and Sander – who were also active participants in the project.

Apart from working at the school, they explored Delhi, the capital city of India, and visited the monuments and temples witnessing the grandeur of the architecture. Walking down the streets of Old Delhi was a completely new experience for them, and so was riding the metro rail! They savoured the taste of spicy Indian food and learned a few Hindi words as well. The sultry summer weather of India couldn’t make any difference to their enthusiasm and dedication.
Before they left, Robert and Sander wrote this letter sharing their thoughts and experiences:

If you are also keen on volunteering in India, or want to send someone to experience the goodness of the act, do drop us a mail at info@volunteeringindia.com

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