Volunteering India Blog

Essentials To Pack For Your Winter Break Volunteering Trip To India In 2024

India is a country that’s often termed as a subcontinent due to its sprawling mass of area stretching from plains to mountains to oceans. As a result of the same, the Indian subcontinent witnesses severely varying temperatures all over the country with temperatures ranging from -45 degree Celsius (minimum) to 30 degree Celsius (maximum) across different parts of the country.

As it’s always advised, it is wise to make a thorough research about your respective volunteer destination before you get going with your packing, and certainly before you plan the list of things that you’ll need to buy for the trip. Even more so because India experiences extreme weathers in some of its regions which even disrupts travel activities in India over an ongoing period thus making it necessary to get a run through on the weather conditions before venturing out.

Volunteering India offers winter programs in the city of Delhi and Palampur for students opting for winter breaks as well as for people planning adventure trips and a gap year in India.

The capital city located in Northern India witnesses very cold weather wherein sometimes temperatures even drop below freezing though never for a long period. And Palampur being situated in the lap of the Himalayas leaves no room for doubt about its chilly weather during the winters of India.

With hopes that India will slide on to a chilly weather soon with the month of December approaching, I have compiled a list of essentials that you must pack before leaving for India. Warm clothes or not, Flannels or not, with this listicle you’ll be able to make sound decisions when making a packing list and also save your energy and time.

But before that here are a few pointers for winter packing:

Going ahead, the listicle is all about winter essentials and must pack things for your travels in India with the exceptions of absolute necessities like gadgets and toiletries which totally depends on your needs.

Winter Clothing for India

It is absolutely the coldest during the wee hours in the morning and at nights with temperatures dropping quite far below than daytime temperatures. Now given that your lifestyle in India while volunteer vacations will be getting up early and going to work or weekdays and traveling till late on weekends, you’ll be needing good winter clothes to protect you. You’ll be needing:


It is absolutely prudent to choose the perfect footwear to combat the challenges of weather changing throughout the day. Your choice of footwear should be:

First-Aid kit and some must-have medicines

Everyone prefers carrying their own medicines when traveling to an unknown country. But to speak the truth about traveling in India, with the exception of the prescription meds you don’t need to carry much as I have mentioned earlier. The more medicines you’ll have the more you’ll feel the need to pop them even in mild cases when nothing is required. All that is needed in such cases are some rest, good food, and care, plenty of which you’ll be getting from the working with the local people in India. Keeping that in mind I still am going to list some medicines which you can keep in your first aid kit to be on the safer side. Your medicine kit should have:

The ABSOLUTE essentials for your India trip

These items constitute the ‘Holy-Grail’ of India travels. Every discerning traveler is found to be keeping a reserve of these with them at all times. These include:

Last but not the least, a good travel backpack in which you can pack in a day’s essential or things for a one day trek. Opt for a bag with the perfect blend of size quality and comfort.

Now that you are up to date about the things that you need to pack in for your trip to India.

Make your travel itinerary, do your research and pack the essentials as suggested.

If you haven’t yet registered for a volunteer program in India then make up your resolutions for next year and register for your volunteering program in 2024. For any queries contact info@volunteeringindia.com and don’t forget to follow us on Instagram.

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