Volunteering India Blog

Things You Must Carry If You Are Volunteering In India During Summer

Are you planning to travel to India during your upcoming summer break? How about being a part of the Summer Volunteering Project 2018 in India, and explore the country like never before?

You’ll get the chance to volunteer with the underprivileged children and add some happiness to their lives, explore the beautiful cities of New Delhi, Jaipur, Agra, Amritsar, and Palampur, set out for a trek in the Himalayas, visit some of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites including the Taj Mahal, meet people from other parts of the world and make memories that you can cherish for a lifetime.

Here are a few things that you must carry during your summer volunteering trip in India:

Water Bottles: During the summer, you need to consume enough water in order to keep yourself hydrated. There are 2 reasons why we are asking you to carry your own bottle of water, First, in spite of the fact that you’ll find drinking water almost everywhere in the country, it might not suit your health, and there are chances that you might fall sick. You’ll probably find Indians drinking water from roadside taps but it’s better if you avoid those. Second, you can surely afford to buy a bottle of mineral water, but why use so much plastic? In order to save the environment from excessive usage of non-biodegradable waste, we would suggest that you carry your own bottle of water.

Glucose drink: Carry a packet of glucose powder, that you can mix with the water and consume once in a while. Since India is a humid country, you’ll be sweating a lot and your body will be absolutely dehydrated, especially when you are working/ traveling. Water will not be enough, as your body will crave for the adequate dosage of sugar and salts. Hence, it is important to have glucose drinks at least once a day.

Cotton or linen clothes: As we always say, pack light and carry cotton or linen clothes if you are traveling to India during the summer months. The temperature can soar up to 40 degrees Celcius, and if you’re not wearing comfortable clothes, then you’ll be in real trouble! You’ll be spending most of the time in the outdoors, either at the volunteering project site or exploring places – hence, it is advisable that you carry cotton shirts, t-shirts, and trousers which are loosely fitted and airy, so that you feel at ease while wearing them. Also, try to avoid dark colored clothes as they tend to absorb more heat. Light colored & pastel shades would be perfect for the season.

Sunglasses and hat: Don’t forget your shades behind, because you’ll need them badly! Carrying your sunglasses is a must, in order to protect your eyes from the sun’s UV rays. The heat might tend to give you a headache, make you feel tired and weary – thus, we would suggest you to carry a cap/hat as well. Whenever you are out on the roads, make sure to put on your hat and sunglasses – it’ll save you from the glaring radiations of the sun.

Sunscreen lotion: You should buy a sunscreen with SPF 30 to 50, and apply it generously over your face and arms. This would make sure that the exposed part of your body doesn’t get burned. We know that you love getting tanned, but the scorching summer heat might affect your skin, hence it’s better to be safe than sorry! But the sunscreen lotion that would work the best for your skin and also provide a cooling effect on your skin, calming any breakouts that may have occurred.

Wet wipes: Don’t forget to keep a packet of wet tissues in your bag. It’ll help you to wipe off the sweat and oil from your face, making you feel refreshed.

Mosquito repellent: Summer in India is the season when the mosquitoes also get into the action! Thus, make sure to carry mosquito repellents always with you. It is available at every medical store in the country, so you can easily buy it when you are here.

It is important to stay healthy during your volunteering journey so that you can effectively work on the project, make a difference and be satisfied with yourself. It’ll surely be one of the most memorable trips of your life. So, beat the heat and live to fullest!

For more information, you can drop a mail at info@volunteeringindia.com and our Program Advisors will get back to you!

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