Best Volunteer Opportunities in India to Join in 2024 – 2025

Is India on your mind? Well, we don’t blame you! India, one of the most beloved volunteering destinations, welcomes millions of people from around the world.

The culture, heritage, diverse landscapes, and natural beauty of the country will undoubtedly touch your heart as you step into this enchanting land.

A volunteering trip to India promises to kindle your curiosity, stimulate your senses, and fill your soul with warmth.

Whether you’re captivated by the bustling city lights of Delhi, charmed by the serenity of Himalayan hill towns, drawn to the lively beaches of Goa, or awe-inspired by the breathtaking architecture of the Taj Mahal, India offers something for every traveler to cherish and enjoy.

Here are 5 best volunteer opportunities in India:

1. Street Children Volunteering Program in New Delhi, India

Volunteer for Street Children in India

Hands down, this is one of the most popular volunteering programs in India, and it’s all about dedicating yourself to the well-being and development of underprivileged children who call the streets their home.

Regardless of your age, this program welcomes you with open arms, but it does require a significant amount of dedication, patience, and optimism from you throughout your involvement.

Your journey as a volunteer will place you right in the heart of the nation, in New Delhi, where you’ll have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact on these children’s lives.

As a volunteer, your role in this project will involve a variety of activities, all designed to bring smiles to the faces of these deserving youngsters.

While the list of tasks isn’t exhaustive, here are some fundamental things you can expect to do:

  • Conduct informal educational classes for the children.
  • Organize recreational and enjoyable games, introducing them to new and exciting activities.
  • Instill good habits in the children, emphasizing cleanliness, hygiene, and social manners.
  • Plan educational outings to museums and zoos in Delhi on select days, allowing the children to learn while having fun.
  • Offer love, care, basic literacy, and recreational opportunities to the children, providing them with affection and quality time.

Your involvement in this program promises to leave a lasting impact on the lives of these street children, offering them hope, guidance, and the opportunity to experience the joys of childhood, thanks to your compassion and dedication.

2. Disable Care Volunteering Program in New Delhi, India

disabled care volunteer in India

If you’re eager to embrace the challenge of supporting individuals in need of special care, consider embarking on a journey to India with Volunteering India and becoming a part of the Disabled Care Program in New Delhi.

Volunteering India has established partnerships with organizations dedicated to the well-being of these exceptional individuals.

This program encompasses three distinct centers: the Special Education Center, the Skill Development Center, and the Autism Center. As a volunteer, you can choose to participate in any of the three centers.

Your primary responsibilities will involve providing vocational training activities, which may include baking, paper bag and envelope making, clay modeling, tailoring, candle making, bookbinding, and computer training.

If you work at the autism center, you’ll be engaged in caring for young adults residing there. This includes assisting with their meals, helping them with basic lessons, and supporting their daily tasks.

You’ll also have the opportunity to teach them to sing, dance, create origami, or engage in painting activities.


3. Childcare & Elephant Volunteering in India

volunteer with elephants in India

Are you in search of a volunteer trip to India that combines meaningful service with exploration? Look no further than the Childcare and Elephant Volunteering program, a two-week adventure that offers the best of both worlds. This program promises a truly gratifying and immersive experience for all participants.

Starting from Delhi, the capital city of India, this journey takes volunteers on an unforgettable tour of the ‘Golden Triangle,’ which includes Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. During this exploration, you’ll have the opportunity to visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites and behold the marvel that is the Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world.

In addition to your exciting travel itinerary, your two weeks will be dedicated to volunteering. You’ll spend time working with underprivileged children in Delhi, making a positive impact in their lives.

Furthermore, you’ll extend your helping hand to rescued elephants in Agra, contributing to their well-being.

This program encapsulates everything a meaningful, responsible, and rewarding overseas journey should be. It blends service, adventure, and cultural exploration, making it an unforgettable experience for those who choose to participate.


4. Women Empowerment Program in New Delhi, India

women empowerment program in Delhi India

If you’re considering volunteering for Women Empowerment in India and wish to contribute to the welfare and social development of underprivileged women from disadvantaged backgrounds in the capital city of Delhi, here’s what you can expect: First and foremost, be prepared to demonstrate a high level of determination and understanding. You’ll need to adapt to various situations and share the knowledge you possess with these women.

Your primary goal in this program is to raise awareness about global trends and help these women become self-reliant individuals.

As a volunteer, your main tasks will be:

  • Engage with girls in the age group of 16-20 years and conduct English classes to help them enhance their language skills. This will prove invaluable as they embark on their careers.
  • If you have specific skills, consider assisting with vocational courses such as beautician work, stitching, and handicrafts. Your expertise can empower these women with valuable skills for future employment.
  • Even if you don’t possess specialized skills, you can still make a significant impact by teaching English to these women, thereby strengthening their communication skills.
    Provide guidance on nutritional and wholesome diets to promote their well-being and health.
  • Offer computer training to these women within the organization, opening doors to digital literacy and potential job opportunities.


5. Medical Internship Program in New Delhi, India

If you’re a medical or pre-med student seeking valuable work experience and international exposure, the Medical Internship Program in Delhi is an ideal opportunity for you.

Your internship program will take place in a private hospital equipped with modern medical facilities and staffed by highly experienced professionals.

The hospital is conveniently located near some of the city’s best areas and markets. Throughout your internship, you’ll be paired with a doctor, nurse, or medical expert.

It’s important to note that the hospital maintains ethical standards that prohibit individuals without the requisite experience, education, and certifications from actively participating in medical procedures they are not qualified to perform.

Therefore, your internship will primarily involve observation. You’ll have the opportunity to shadow, observe, and provide basic assistance within the hospital during your internship period.


For more information, you can drop us an email at [email protected] and our Program Advisors will get in touch with you.

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