Impact By The Volunteers In India In Past Years

India, by virtue of its being a developing country, is plagued by issues of poverty, proper education, and proper healthcare facilities. While concrete steps need to be taken by the state and the civil society of the country for it to be on ‘first world’ map, allies and wellwishers of the country and humanity at large can make their contribution felt through small but continuing volunteering efforts. Encompassing various volunteering opportunities in areas of healthcare and education, Volunteering India aspires to spread the word of our impact stories and give inspiration to all kind souls out there who want to make a difference.


What’s the best part? Volunteers from different countries, age groups and backgrounds enthusiastically participated in our projects and left an inspiring legacy behind. Let’s take a look at the on-ground work.

Work With The Underprivileged Children of India

Despite multiple efforts in the Education sector, India faces major challenges when it comes to issues of quality and access. While there is no substitute for quality and accessible formal education, VI volunteers aim to help form a strong foundation for children from underprivileged backgrounds, especially when the parents of these children are caught in making a living.

Accommodated in a primary education, post-teaching hours, volunteers helped the students with their class lessons and homework. From basic Math lessons, English speaking to adopting creative methods for learning new words and phrases, volunteers brought in a lot of new energy.

A Step Ahead For The Feminist Cause

The Women Empowerment Project based in Delhi is popular amongst volunteers who are enthusiastic about the feminist cause. Encompassing English Lessons, efforts to pick up employable skills, conversational skills and engaging to cultivate self-agency and self-dependance were the highlights of this project.

Taking An Initiative For Rural Health

Medical health professionals from across the globe who visited India to volunteer and devote their time in getting a keen insight and contributing to the health sector here were placed in hospitals and dental clinics based in Palampur.

Having conducted several dental care camps, health checkups and assisting the doctors in the hospital for several weeks, the trickle-down of professionals from countries with the most advanced healthcare to a small rural village in India and taking initiative to improve the condition there was one of the biggest highlights of the impact created.

Spreading The Word For Good Health Through Yoga

Through the Yoga Volunteering Project, volunteers not only participated in the ancient and highly effective health intervention but also spread the word of its importance amongst people. Optimal for Mental and Physical well-being, the International Yoga Day at Volunteering India was celebrated with enthusiasm.

Some Quality Time Spent With The Mentally Disabled Children

Placed in a special school meant for Mentally Disabled Children, volunteers spent some quality time with the kids. Helping the local staff with management, teaching, and upkeep of the center, volunteers for this project were full of empathy, compassion and a heightened sense of responsibility.

Time Taken Out For Elephant Care

Working in Elephant Camps of Jaipur alongside Mahouts and serving the dual purpose of helping Mahouts and learning how to care of Elephants, enthusiastic animal-loving volunteers contributed their bit throughout the year in this project.

It is only through quality impact that one can continue to do good work and VI Volunteers, both past and present, help create that legacy of good work and inspire others to fill into their shoes, responsibly. Reach out to our past volunteers on our Facebook Group and find out how you too can volunteer and leave a positive impact.

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